In this captivating time-travel saga, Earth grants humanity an extraordinary second chance. Imagine a South Dakota Indian casino and its surrounding area transported back to the year 1791, before the Louisiana Purchase. Here, modern lives collide with the past, igniting a powerful story of survival, cultural clash, and human connection.
Displaced in time, the Lakota people and local residents face the challenge of creating a sustainable future. Together, they establish a new government, rebuild technology, and learn to thrive in an unfamiliar eighteenth-century world. But as internal conflicts arise and external threats loom, the community must stand strong—or risk repeating history's mistakes.
At the heart of this tale are unforgettable characters. Rose Chasing Hawk, a single mother, rises as a reluctant leader while raising teenagers in a turbulent new reality. Oliver Jackson, a Black ex-police officer and Iraq War veteran, confronts his commitment to nonviolence amidst growing tensions. And Two Elks, a Lakota leader native to this time, defends his homeland from outsiders wielding strange technologies and ideologies.
Author Daphne Singingtree, with expertise in plant medicine, midwifery, emergency preparedness, and Indigenous wisdom, crafts a riveting story of resilience and hope. Can these characters unite to create a new path forward, guided by the wisdom of the earth, or will old divisions threaten their chance at a better world?
Perfect for fans of Eric Flint's 1632 series and Sarah Woodbury's After Cilmeri series, this novel delivers a thrilling, thought-provoking journey through time. Don't miss your chance to experience a story of courage, survival, and the power of community.