The Werewolves In the Darkness


Werewolves. The beasts that hide in the darkness, and prey upon those that are weaker than themselves. Their haunting howls often can be heard ringing in the hills, chilling animal and human down to the bone. Tales are told of their bloodthirsty nature, how they're evil beings fully bent on destruction and depravity.

At least, that's what's said in the storybooks that Noblewoman Beatrice Camoy often read. Considered weird by some of her peers, gossiped about by the staff of her Fathers estate, and courted by few, Beatrice often read what she could of the occult. The paranormal a world that she indulged in constantly so as to escape the mundane aspects of her life.

However, she did have one bright point in her life. The fact that she was courted by two gentlemen of the night who were the right sort of attractive that she liked - Tall, dark, and handsome.

But her two potential suitors both hide a dark secret. A secret that she potentially knows as they weave a complicated web of lust, love, and affection with one another. One that might explain the howling that Beatrice often hears at night.

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