Romance, intrigue, and dystopian suspense mix in a deadly cocktail as two separate universes converge in an extraordinary collision of quantum realities. Human passions of undying love, envy, and greed together with ruthless ambition, combine in a dangerous elixir mixed with exotic alien technology. The results are unexpected as passionate love and the power of the pyramids of eternity alter reality for the individuals caught in a quantum vortex of forces. Destiny has brought them together, but the same twisted destiny threatens to abandon them when each of their realities are violently torn asunder by sinister forces beyond their control.
John Gerson, a lonely and cynical IT genius works for Tyrion Global, an international tech company with an advanced and secret quantum computer connected to the internet of the world that recreates international stock markets. Because of his valuable contribution to the success of the project, he is allowed considerable latitude in the management of his time and the resources of the company. His personal home computer is linked to the quantum computer and he uses it to create virtual worlds of his own in order to escape the dismal reality of his existence in a dystopian world of the twenty-first century. However, sinister forces are at work and they believe that they can capture him and his equipment to use for their own nefarious objectives. Against the backdrop of a dystopian society, John is a lonely genius embittered from the divorce of his beautiful blond wife who left him because of his obsession with his work and his fanatical interest in Ancient Egypt and of the secrets of ancient technology. His creation of a virtual reality simulation of an ancient Egyptian culture appears to have evolved in an unusual manner and his work is interrupted by strange and exotic messages that appear on the screen of his computers. Strange dreams of the Dog Star constellation of stars in the sky make him fear for his sanity. When he is contacted by Alina, an exotic and radiantly beautiful Egyptian priestess, he is convinced that she is merely the product of the simulation that he created. Nevertheless, he becomes enamored with her intelligence and exotic beauty. He is determined to enter her world and to meet her in person. That is when he contacts Jon and Lana, is old friends, to help him with the equipment necessary to project himself into the quantum computer world of his own creation. The success of this undertaking allows him to meet with Alina, to learn all about her strange world, and to fall in love with each other. His own life as well as the reality of Alina and her world are almost destroyed by the conflagration of violence that erupts. Broken and injured, he has forgotten the promise that Alina made him, as well as the powers and the secrets of the pyramids of eternity.