At times life throws us a curveball or two and these are the times that challenge us. Our responses to these situations come to define who we are. So when I unexpectedly lost a job I'd had for over a decade, it could have been a crushing defeat. However, I was fortunate enough to see it as a chance for positive change and I've never looked back with regret.
THE MOCKINGBIRD SPEAKS is my experience in dealing with change and coming to reconnect with my real self. Spending a summer studying neighborhood birds, I discovered many truths that altered my outlook on life. I came to understand the need to adapt to new situations in order to thrive, to see everything as useful in its own way so that nothing would go to waste, to rationalize and overcome some deep-rooted fears, that stereotypes of any sort limit one's understanding and ability to grow. These and many other ways of looking at things differently helped alter my mindset and I believe these realizations will help you deal with adversity too!
In THE MOCKINGBIRD SPEAKS, I share these truisms, illustrated with case studies that embody the ideals. You'll read about Terry Fox, a one-legged athlete who set out to run across Canada to raise funds for cancer research, about Norm Feuti who created a successful career cartooning out of a series of dead-end jobs and many others. And you'll learn a thing or two about one of North America's best-loved birds, the Mockingbird, as well.
I hope you'll let the Mockingbird speak to you!