The Distant Kingdoms Volume Eighteen: A World Divided
Reeks: The Distant Kingdoms
David A Petersen
- Kerroway
- -
- The
- military
- city
- that
- is
- the
- main
- army
- base
- of
- Porra.
- Colonel
- Rennet
- Farger
- -
- The
- commanding
- officer
- of
- the
- military
- city
- of
- Kerroway.
- Kaaral
- Peall
- -
- The
- officer
- second-in-charge
- of
- the
- military
- garrison.A
- great
- many
- disasters
- have
- already
- befallen
- the
- populace
- of
- Perencore
- leading
- to
- thousands
- of
- deaths
- from
- one
- end
- of
- the
- continent
- to
- the
- other.
- There
- appears
- to
- be
- precious
- little
- reason
- behind
- the
- numerous
- assaults
- on
- various
- cities,
- towns
- and
- even
- smaller
- targets.
- Despite
- these
- violent
- intrusions,
- the
- people
- of
- Perencore
- and
- its
- nations
- attempt
- to
- continue
- with
- their
- lives
- to
- the
- best
- of
- their
- ability.Dale
- Johnstone
- is
- attempting
- to
- help
- the
- family
- of
- the
- recently
- murdered
- leader
- of
- the
- island
- nation
- of
- Valouras,
- Imperator
- Aret
- Zinnan.
- His
- efforts
- are
- concentrated
- on
- the
- eldest
- daughter,
- Giannin,
- with
- whom
- he
- has
- built
- up
- a
- strong
- relationship.
- To
- further
- add
- to
- their
- ongoing
- issues,
- the
- main
- city
- of
- Kashir
- is
- under
- constant
- attack
- by
- treasure
- seekers
- who
- wish
- to
- plunder
- its
- incredible
- natural
- resources.
- These
- fortune
- hunters
- are
- often
- only
- prevented
- from
- achieving
- their
- goals
- by
- Dale’s
- futuristic
- vehicle,
- the
- the
- great
- walled
- city
- of
- Terrimorter
- a
- strange
- mystery
- is
- unfolding
- amongst
- the
- many
- people
- living
- there,
- threatening
- them
- with
- a
- swift,
- but
- terrible
- death.
- On
- further
- investigating
- a
- variety
- of
- unusual
- events,
- Walter
- Bradshaw,
- the
- members
- of
- his
- former
- squad,
- General
- Herric
- Samora
- and
- some
- of
- Empress
- Dara
- Thelon’s
- relatives
- check
- on
- the
- highly
- bizarre
- vessel
- secured
- in
- a
- warehouse.
- This
- incident
- leads
- to
- them
- finding
- a
- stranger
- in
- the
- shuttle.
- Unfortunately,
- the
- man
- in
- question
- happens
- to
- break
- free,
- captures
- the
- former
- sergeant
- major
- and
- makes
- good
- on
- his
- escape.Connie
- York
- has
- left
- Terrimorter,
- accompanied
- by
- her
- partner,
- Carl
- Buchanan,
- Sean
- Corrigin
- and
- the
- remaining
- members
- of
- the
- Confederate
- squad
- then
- travelled
- all
- the
- way
- to
- Xerous.
- Once
- at
- the
- capital
- city
- of
- Porra
- they
- will
- be
- joined
- by
- a
- great
- many
- people
- to
- go
- in
- search
- of
- the
- mythical
- flying
- horses
- that
- have
- been
- breeding
- up
- in
- large
- numbers
- in
- a
- reserve
- near
- the
- military
- city
- of
- Kerroway.
- Included
- in
- the
- expedition
- are
- Gary
- Wyndham
- and
- his
- squad,
- Sil-Ta-Dan,
- and
- some
- other
- members
- of
- the
- Appor
- along
- with
- Lieutenant
- Colonel
- Inlo
- Ricc
- for
- protection.
- arriving
- at
- the
- reserve
- near
- the
- military
- city,
- the
- entire
- troupe
- come
- to
- the
- realisation
- that
- they
- have
- greatly
- underestimated
- the
- dangers
- involved
- in
- in
- their
- endeavour.
- Now
- they
- all
- face
- certain
- death
- at
- the
- hands
- of
- a
- rogue
- officer
- and
- his
- corrupt
- army.Back
- in
- Xerous
- City,
- Colin
- Bourke
- continues
- to
- deal
- with
- his
- former
- wife,
- Jenrin
- Hul
- and
- their
- twin
- daughters.
- Lady
- Pira
- Laninval
- is
- getting
- back
- to
- leading
- a
- normal,
- domestic
- violence
- free
- life
- now
- that
- she
- has
- executed
- her
- former
- spouse
- as
- well
- as
- his
- entire
- family.
- Also,
- the
- Dearnian
- guard,
- Hock
- is
- to
- be
- dispatched
- back
- to
- the
- city
- of
- Fellan
- Port
- to
- aid
- Lord
- Thellic
- in
- the
- reconstruction
- of
- the
- city
- after
- the
- devastating
- explosion.Ernest
- and
- Edith
- Bonaparte
- are
- still
- coming
- to
- terms
- with
- their
- recent
- tragedy.
- They
- continue
- to
- work
- through
- their
- lives
- while
- providing
- a
- constant
- source
- of
- help
- for
- what
- remains
- of
- their
- family.
- Immir
- and
- Lorraine
- Hanis
- have
- relocated
- to
- Valderhien
- to
- personally
- report
- on
- their
- findings
- concerning
- the
- now
- destroyed
- Minerva
- Project.
- He
- is
- surprised
- to
- discover
- that
- there
- has
- been
- a
- change
- of
- leadership
- within
- the
- Elite
- Command
- of
- the
- Order
- of
- the
- Royal
- Decree.
- Thellon
- the
- Third
- and
- Queen
- Sinar
- Thellon
- continue
- to
- reign
- over
- the
- Hamaforth
- Kingdoms.
- There
- are
- few
- issues
- that
- they
- cannot
- deal
- with
- in
- a
- competent,
- intelligent
- fashion,
- although
- the
- ongoing
- incidents
- of
- great
- violence
- cause
- them
- great
- concern.
- However,
- tragedy
- will
- strike
- the
- Royal
- family,
- plunging
- them
- and
- the
- Hamaforth
- Kingdoms
- into
- unresolved
- turmoil
- and
- despair.And
- an
- incredible
- threat
- waits
- in
- close
- proximity,
- ready
- to
- strike
- at
- any
- time
- and
- at
- any place.