The Espanola Way of Doing Business


Read about the Espanola Way of Doing Business before investing in Miami Beach. At the time of this writing the political elite and their bevy of developers are attempting to smother the restaurant and bar business in South Beach, especially in the historic entertainment districts including iconic Ocean Drive, Espanola Way, and Lincoln Road. They would, in effect, kill the local goose that lays the golden egg. The crackdown should be on the seemingly pious mayor and his sycophants before they run South Beach into the ground for years to come. . .

"I am tired of being told Miami Beach is not the United States!" angrily exclaimed Venezuelan entrepreneur Antonio Halabi, who owned a fine restaurant on South Beach's famed Espanola Way because he dreamed of coming to the United States after watching American movies including Rocky IV. He soon became disillusioned by Miami Beach's Espanola Way style of permitting and code enforcement. He was educated in the American school in Venezuela and did not believe so-called states rights should include negligent and discriminatory enforcement of laws, and retaliation for asking for their fair enforcement. He left the beach convinced that the City of Miami Beach's "Third World" government was worse than that of his own country.

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