The Winter Warriors
A stunning all-action adventure from the master of heroic fantasy that will have you gripped
Reeks: Drenai Novels
David Gemmell
- The
- prophecy
- was
- clear.
- Upon
- the
- death
- of
- three
- kings
- the
- world
- will
- be
- plunged
- into
- chaos,
- and
- all
- the
- cast-out
- demons
- of
- history
- will
- return
- to
- bring
- blood
- and
- horror
- to
- the
- world.Two
- of
- the
- kings
- are
- dead.
- The
- third,
- about
- to
- be
- born,
- is
- hunted
- by
- the
- Demon
- Riders
- of
- the
- Krayakin,
- Lords
- of
- the
- Undead.All
- the
- terrifying
- forces
- of
- evil
- range
- against
- a
- pregnant
- queen
- at
- bay
- in
- a
- haunted
- forest.
- But
- she
- is
- not
- alone.
- Three
- warriors
- stand
- with
- her,
- the
- last
- remnants
- of
- the
- once
- proud
- Drenai
- army.
- Three
- old
- men,
- ancient
- heroes,
- discarded
- by
- the
- king;
- Nogusta
- the
- Swordsman,
- Kebra
- the
- Bowman,
- and
- the
- hulking
- fighter,
- Bison.The
- fate
- of
- empires
- rests
- on
- their
- fading
- skills
- as
- they
- journey
- through
- a
- tormented
- world
- on
- a
- perilous
- quest
- to
- save
- the
- unborn king.
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