Cindy: SmallPowers Book One

Reeks: SmallPowers


Cindy, a pretty, eleven-year-old, wizard born on a high-tech agrarian world is assigned the quest to stop a death march to an apocalypse. Cindy is more than twice as plucky as any fairy tale hero, and far more powerful than any magi seen in eons. She brashly tries to beat a world into submission with a bunch of elves, one crusty old knight, and a clever young squire.

Fast-paced fantasy adventure set on a world with many historical parallels to the post-Roman Empire period of Scandinavia and England. Cindy, and young Squire Aresant, offers readers of all ages a unique and firsthand perspective on the emotional and physical costs seen by child-soldiers of any era. This first tale introduces the obscure and nameless order of wizards that are committed to the task of saving worlds.

The first of the SmallPowers novels.

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