The United States of Arugula
The Sun Dried, Cold Pressed, Dark Roasted, Extra Virgin Story of the American Food Revolution
David Kamp
- The
- wickedly
- entertaining,
- hunger-inducing,
- behind-the-scenes
- story
- of
- the
- revolution
- in
- American
- food
- that
- has
- made
- exotic
- ingredients,
- celebrity
- chefs,
- rarefied
- cooking
- tools,
- and
- destination
- restaurants
- familiar
- aspects
- of
- our
- everyday
- lives.Amazingly
- enough,
- just
- twenty
- years
- ago
- eating
- sushi
- was
- a
- daring
- novelty
- and
- many
- Americans
- had
- never
- even
- heard
- of
- salsa.
- Today,
- we
- don't
- bat
- an
- eye
- at
- a
- construction
- worker
- dipping
- a
- croissant
- into
- robust
- specialty
- coffee,
- city
- dwellers
- buying
- just-picked
- farmstand
- produce,
- or
- suburbanites
- stocking
- up
- on
- artisanal
- cheeses
- and
- extra
- virgin
- oils
- at
- supermarkets.
- The
- United
- States
- of
- Arugula
- is
- a
- rollicking,
- revealing
- stew
- of
- culinary
- innovation,
- food
- politics,
- and
- kitchen
- confidences
- chronicling
- how
- gourmet
- eating
- in
- America
- went
- from
- obscure
- to
- pervasive—and
- became
- the
- cultural
- success
- story
- of
- our era.