The Dangerous Passion
Why Jealousy Is as Necessary as Love and Sex
David M. Buss, Ph.D.
- Why
- do
- men
- and
- women
- cheat
- on
- each
- other?
- How
- do
- men
- really
- feel
- when
- their
- partners
- have
- sex
- with
- other
- men?
- What
- worries
- women
- more
- --
- men
- who
- turn
- to
- other
- women
- for
- love
- or
- men
- who
- simply
- want
- sexual
- variety
- in
- their
- lives?
- Can
- the
- jealousy
- husbands
- and
- wives
- experience
- over
- real
- or
- imagined
- infidelities
- be
- cured?
- Should
- it
- be?
- In
- this
- surprising
- and
- engaging
- exploration
- of
- men's
- and
- women's
- darker
- passions,
- David
- Buss,
- acclaimed
- author
- of
- The
- Evolution
- of
- Desire,
- reveals
- that
- both
- men
- and
- women
- are
- actually
- designed
- for
- jealousy.
- Drawing
- on
- experiments,
- surveys,
- and
- interviews
- conducted
- in
- thirty-seven
- countries
- on
- six
- continents,
- as
- well
- as
- insights
- from
- recent
- discoveries
- in
- biology,
- anthropology,
- and
- psychology,
- Buss
- discovers
- that
- the
- evolutionary
- origins
- of
- our
- sexual
- desires
- still
- shape
- our
- passions
- today.
- to
- Buss,
- more
- men
- than
- women
- want
- to
- have
- sex
- with
- multiple
- partners.
- Furthermore,
- women
- who
- cheat
- on
- their
- husbands
- do
- so
- when
- they
- are
- most
- likely
- to
- conceive,
- but
- have
- sex
- with
- their
- spouses
- when
- they
- are
- least
- likely
- to
- conceive.
- These
- findings
- show
- that
- evolutionary
- tendencies
- to
- acquire
- better
- genes
- through
- different
- partners
- still
- lurk
- beneath
- modern
- sexual
- behavior.
- To
- counteract
- these
- desires
- to
- stray
- --
- and
- to
- strengthen
- the
- bonds
- between
- partners
- --
- jealousy
- evolved
- as
- an
- early
- detection
- system
- of
- infidelity
- in
- the
- ancient
- and
- mysterious
- ritual
- of
- mating.
- takes
- us
- on
- a
- fascinating
- journey
- through
- many
- cultures,
- from
- pre-historic
- to
- the
- present,
- to
- show
- the
- profound
- evolutionary
- effect
- jealousy
- has
- had
- on
- all
- of
- us.
- Only
- with
- a
- healthy
- balance
- of
- jealousy
- and
- trust
- can
- we
- be
- certain
- of
- a
- mate's
- commitment,
- devotion,
- and
- true love.
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