If You Read This, Everything Is Fine


Be incredible

This is a little book that could. But it is not actually for you. It is a book for someone who struggles. For someone who is in pain. For someone unhappy. Lost. Bleak. Hopeless.

Someone you know. Someone from the extended circle of people in your life. Or someone in your family, maybe. Someone you care deeply about, even if you haven't said it out loud just yet.

Smile and be pleased: this is a very lucky day for that someone. Because it has an amazing friend: You.
Come on and read this ebook - it's short and sweet. Inside, you'll find a link to the printed version you can order from a major store.
Buy that special someone of yours a copy, but mail it to yourself. Once you got their book, take a red marker and write their name on the cover. (There's some white space on it exactly for this purpose.) So that the cover can read something like "John, IF you read this, everything is fine". Or "Emma, IF you read this, everything is fine". Or James. Or Jennifer. Ryan. Emily. Matthew. Lauren. Daniel. Olivia.
Yes, even your very own name, if you know deep down you might be that someone as well.

Offer them the book, with their name written on the cover. Let this little book do its magic. Witness the good You did for them.

IF you read this, everything is fine is a book written out of the thickest despair. By someone on the verge of ending everything. Someone who was saved by this big, beautiful, and weird IF. Someone who lived to tell this simply yet fiddly truth: everything is fine IF you read this.

Do a great deed.
Gift this little book to someone in need.
Be an awesome You.

pro-mbooks3 : libris