Another in the Robot Wars series by Golden Lion, this book follows the woes of a young accident victim relegated to a wheel chair and bitter about her unfair life and her lack of a valuable future in society. In a not-to-far-in-the-future world where robots are more common than today, Lindsey is offered a unique opportunity to walk again using the cutting-edge technology of robot manufacture integrated with internal human systems. The fascinating interfaces are extensive, and the technology is new, untested on humans. Lindsey oscillates back and forth--she's hesitant to forge into the world of robotics for fear of losing her identity and her humanity. Must read about how she deals with her dilemma, how a pair of friendly dogs work their magic on her and see what she can do with her newly-found robot-integrated nature. Golden Lion carefully develops the application of robotics possible in our near future. He also develops the character's tantrums and warmly addresses the inner conflict she goes through on her journey into her new-found future filled with promise and love.
I wrote this book, after hearing about a tragic accident leaving a little girl without legs. My heart went out to her, realizing the trial she would face, without legs. I dreamed of day when machines and people could work in unit and help the girl return to normal. The book "Engines of Creation" by Drexler inspired me to write about nano machines that could transform materials into structure allowing the bionic system to grow with Lindsey. The structure and functionality of the bionic fit the unique personality and style of Lindsey Millian. She becomes a beautiful woman and falls in love. She joins Michael in an epic battle on a mountain against a Lex 5 army. Join Lindsey in a beautiful wedding on the mountain side, after victory.