- From
- the
- author
- of
- the
- #1
- New
- York
- Times
- bestseller
- Grain
- Brain
- and
- New
- York
- Times
- bestseller
- *Brain
- Maker*...Loss
- of
- memory
- is
- not
- a
- natural
- part
- of
- aging—and
- this
- book
- explains
- why.**Celebrated
- neurologist
- David
- Perlmutter
- reveals
- how
- everyday
- memory-loss—misplacing
- car
- keys,
- forgetting
- a
- name,
- losing
- concentration
- in
- meetings—is
- actually
- a
- warning
- sign
- of
- a
- distressed
- brain.
- Here
- he
- and
- Carol
- Colman
- offer
- a
- simple
- plan
- for
- repairing
- those
- problems,
- clarifying
- misconstrued
- connections
- between
- memory
- loss
- and
- aging,
- and
- regaining
- and
- maintaining
- mental
- clarity
- by
- offering
- the
- tools
- for:Building
- a
- better
- brain
- through
- nutrition,
- lifestyle
- changes,
- and
- brain
- workoutsCoping
- with
- specific
- brain
- disorders
- such
- as
- stroke,
- vascular
- dementia,
- Alzheimer's,
- Parkinson's,
- multiple
- sclerosis,
- and
- Lou
- Gehrig's
- diseaseUnderstanding
- risk
- factors
- and
- individually
- tailoring
- a
- diet
- and
- supplementary
- programFeatures
- a
- "Life
- Style
- Audit,"
- quizzes,
- a
- brain
- fitness
- program
- with
- the
- most
- effective
- ways
- to
- exercise
- your
- brain,
- and
- a
- nutritional
- program
- that
- details
- the
- best
- brain
- food
- and supplements.
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