Boost your marketing and advertising with the power of FREE editorial.
No matter how large or small, every business and every professional can benefit from positive exposure in the media. Even work-from-home, one-person businesses MUST HAVE the media as a part of their marketing mix. Why? Because your customers read articles before they read adverts. Because getting media exposure can place you (and your business) as an expert in your field. Because advertising costs and editorial is FREE!
But you have to be ready, you have to have some basic tools available when the media calls or when you need to send a story to your local paper/radio station/TV station/relevant blogsite/etc. You have to have a media kit that has everything needed to give a rounded, positive view of your enterprise.
Radio, television, newspapers, magazines, social media, blogs; all could be looking for your expertise. Includes useful online resources including one site that instantly networks you with a large number or reporters and journalists.