Demontech: Gulf Run
Reeks: Demontech
David Sherman
- Only
- a
- miracle
- can
- save
- them
- now.
- Luckily,
- they
- have
- one:
- the
- Marines.Like
- an
- invincible
- tidal
- wave
- of
- evil,
- the
- Dark
- Prince’s
- conquering
- armies
- roar
- across
- the
- land,
- leaving
- death
- and
- destruction
- in
- their
- wake.
- So
- far
- Marines
- Haft
- and
- Spinner
- have
- managed
- to
- stay
- one
- step
- ahead
- of
- the
- invaders,
- picking
- up
- hundreds
- of
- refugees
- and
- soldiers
- as
- they
- struggle
- to
- reach
- their
- salvation
- at
- the
- edge
- of
- the
- sea.
- Against
- all
- odds,
- they’ve
- even
- managed
- to
- inflict
- some
- damage
- on
- the
- vastly
- superior
- forces.Yet
- for
- every
- enemy
- soldier
- killed,
- ten
- more
- appear
- in
- his
- place,
- and
- the
- Dark
- Prince’
- s
- demon
- magic
- ensures
- their
- weapons
- are
- brutally
- effective.
- The
- outlook
- is
- not
- promising
- for
- the
- ragged
- band
- of
- rebels,
- pursued
- by
- bloodthirsty
- troops,
- hounded
- by
- bandits,
- and
- forced
- across
- a
- desert
- where
- death
- awaits
- all
- trespassers.
- As
- the
- noose
- tightens
- and
- the
- Dark
- Prince
- prepares
- the
- final
- coup
- de
- grace,
- it
- may
- look
- like
- Haft
- and
- Spinner
- and
- their
- embattled
- crew
- are
- finished.
- But
- these
- Marines
- have
- only
- just
- begun
- to fight.
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