Knowing and Walking with the Holy Spirit


The Holy Spirit permeates our Bibles. We may say that Hebookends the Scriptures from the very first chapter of Genesis to the very last chapter of the book of Revelation. In the beginning, He is presented as the overseer of creation, fluttering intently over the waters of the formless and empty world. At the end, with the redeemed and glorified bride of Christ, He offers Jesus' personal invitation to join Him and take the water of life without price. In between, He is present in the whole.

The purpose of this book is primarily practical rather than theological, to underline why He is so important for our understanding of the Godhead (what theologians call the Trinity) and how He works, walks and witnesses in the believer's life. Its purpose is also devotional – to draw us nearer to the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the Holy Spirit's primary purpose in the Christian's life - and to focus attention on His (perhaps underappreciated) collective, corporate role.

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