Love Unhinged is a collection of short romantic stories.
Excerpt from The Woman on the Bus:
"Later, she found him in his office in the English Department, knocked on the door and went in. She flung the roll of money in his face, and stormed out of the office, slamming the door with such force, the wall vibrated and the frames of the photos on it rattled."
Excerpt from A Matter of Pronunciation:
"My fourteen year old cousin, Luanna, was crying at her wedding, just hours before the ceremony began.
She jumped when I entered the room. Her veil was removed, and tears smeared her makeup. When she saw me, she pulled me inside the room and made me promise, that I’d never tell her parents or mine what I had seen. I soaked her handkerchief in a basin of water nearby, and wiped her tearstained face."