There are times in life when everything just seems to not make sense. This period happens to all of us, regardless of whether we are a believer or not. Perhaps you are a Christian, and you grew up being taught that God punishes the wicked and blesses the righteous. Maybe from an early age, you have been doing everything according to the book. You have tried to be a good person. You have tried to be upright. But after doing all that, your life seems to be stagnant. You feel like all your prayers are not being answered. You feel like you are doing something wrong. You feel like maybe God has forsaken you. You start to think maybe you are not good enough, like you are falling short. That's when you start questioning everything about God. Does he really care? Does he really exist? Is everything you heard, everything you were taught true. If all is true, then why does it seem like God has forsaken you? This is the time when grace doesn't make sense. Many will backslide during this time, many will withdraw, many will give their back to the Lord. Society seems not to understand this period. What they will do is judge. They will try to encourage these people to carry on, to carry through to soldier on. But in most cases, what they will be really doing is making the situation worse. No matter how absurd it might sound, this is the time for a person and their God. Then What needs to be done when grace doesn't matter? Well, this is the purpose of this book.