Dorian Steel is a lone wolf on a journey searching for an identity now that the orphanage in which he was raised in is several light-years behind him. Serving time in prison due to a jealous ex-girlfriend’s vendetta was not how he saw his life progressing, but through it all, he has finally found peace. Once the visions start however, his isolated world is shattered - leaving only the shards of glass for him to walk on.
The always quiet, unassuming landscaper quickly goes from a life of hiding in the bushes to the forefront of the battle lines for survival - facing an army of ghosts, demons, and human turncoats loyal to a demonic force intent on the systematic destruction of mankind as we know it. When the woman he has suppressed his feelings for re-enters his life, Steel realizes that if she dies, blood will be on his hands for the second time.
Dorian Steel will face a roller coaster of emotions ranging from fear, love, fear of love, and everything in-between. Whether it is demons, detectives, or the occasionally possessed vagrant, Steel’s life, as well as the lives of his loved ones’ are in serious danger - not to mention the fate of the world. However, he does have a chance to save everyone and everything important to him. It all hinges on the one thing Steel despises more than anything else - those damned psychic powers.