Welcome to the wonderful world of 'The Scribblers' and the joyful world of Digit! Discover and encourage your Child's individual skills and talents through numbers and understanding their love of counting and numeracy with our wonderful character Digit! If your child love's numbers, counting and arithmetic this humorous characterisations of your Child's talents and joy of numbers can develop into something wonderful and creative.
Why not discover if you may have your own little Scribe,Doodle,Splat or Digit?
Enjoy also some humorous characterisations of young children depicted by Digit who loves numbers, Doodles fascination of drawing or Splats exuberant joy of self expression. Just a few of the many books created by Scottish Children's Author & Illustrator Denise McKeever.
If you enjoy our book we would love your feedback so please feel free to leave a REVIEW with any recommendations on how we can improve our books for your Little One's!
Many Thanks
X Denise