The Steps in the Path


What is life? Life is love, laughter, anger, expectation, downfall, reevaluation. Life is adventure and sad songs, joy in the rain. Life is stopping to take a look at the world you live in. Stop and take a look at life through this author's eyes. Life, told through interpretive poetry and introspective essays. Let's live.


Copper & Glass

I drop a penny into a bottle

Hoping it makes an impact

Hoping it makes a sound.

I drop that very bottle into the ocean

Hoping to send a message.

The bottle is nothing special

Just simple glass,

The penny just a piece of copper still.

But brought together maybe they can be something more.

Something extraordinary.

And if that same bottle and that same penny can traverse the perilous seas,

Then who's to say that their penny in their bottle cannot make the same journey?

Who's to say that their glass and copper isn't special?

No one, that's who.

So drop your penny into the bottle,

Put it out to sea.

Together we can make an impact,

Even if all we have is just copper and glass. ©2018 Denise Reese-Shaw

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