New Worlds


A somewhat normal world ended in December 2019. By march of 2020, all heck broke loose and the world after that March will never be the same again. 2020 was crazy and many of us yearned for the way it was back in 2019. This book details what the Author thinks the future holds for all of us. It is a book about knowledge and preparation. It contains some fiction that is used to apply a theme to what is heading our way. It is a book that confirms in the Author's mind that things will never ever be the same again and what that will look like. At the end of the book, there is a completely fictional story called the "Solar Man:. How one Man decided how to save his family and prepare for what is coming.

If you thought 2020 through 2023 was crazy, things are just getting started. Read what is coming and how it will play out.

As 2024 plays out with astounding coolness which the Author lived through in Central Texas this winter, crops are failing all over the planet. I am sure all of you who read this are really happy with the prices at your local grocery store? I can almost assure you that the price increases will continue. This book also covers how you can grow your own food and take your own survival into your own hands. No one is coming to help you.

I suspect that if you are reading this now, you are quite sick of COVID 19. While this little nasty virus is the real thing, it is being used to inflict a global agenda on the world. It seems there is a war going on with food, especially meat and farmers (small ones) in general. Millions of people have lost their jobs, and food is getting more expensive every day. The global economy is in shambles at the moment and with all this craziness and social unrest as in burning, things and riots in the streets seem to be increasing. Now is the time to take your security into your own hands, You can only do that with knowledge. Wishing you the best of everything - Dennis DeLaurier - Author

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