Hello and welcome to the Grand Solar Minimum. While you may be wondering just what a Grand Solar Minimum is, you may not know that you are living in it now. According to John Casey, a NASA Space Shuttle Engineer, it started in 20019. While you may not have been shoveling 40-foot drifts of snow at your location, things will pick up at the end of the 2024 - 2025 winter. You may or may not know that the sun goes through a cycle every 11 or so years. The sun also goes through other cycles of around 200, 400, and even 3600 years. During these cycles, sunspot activity decreases and at the end of the cycle starts creating sunspots again. The number of sunspots during a cycle can be correlated to the activity of the sun and the amount of energy (solar irradiance or SI) directed toward the Earth. The weaker the cycle (fewer sunspots) the colder the earth seems to get during these periods.
While this book is about surviving the (Super) Grand Solar Minimum and things like food loss, breakdown of society, and bitter cold it is important to understand what is happening and the causes. If someone on the street yelled out "The world is ending", you would probably just laugh and go on your way. I can understand that you may be skeptical at this point. I certainly was until I looked at the information and data. This book will cover what the data and cycles look like and why George Washington took his army across the frozen Delaware River to attack the British. If it's winter and you check that river now you will note that it is not frozen at all. But why?