Blue Ridge Blues: The Sandeen Mysteries, Book Five
Dennis E. Smirl
- Sandeen's
- at
- it
- again.
- He
- and
- his
- gal
- pal,
- Amanda
- Carter,
- tried
- to
- live
- the
- simple
- life
- by
- moving
- to
- the
- mountains
- of
- North
- Carolina
- and
- opening
- a
- small
- gift/espresso
- shop
- in
- a
- quaint
- resort
- village.
- They
- avoided
- their
- blood-stained
- past
- for
- a
- while,
- and
- then
- trouble
- walked
- into
- their
- store.Richard
- Bowman
- wanted
- to
- know
- what
- happened
- to
- his
- brother
- Michael,
- a
- professor
- at
- nearby
- Appalachian
- State
- University.
- A
- year
- earlier,
- Michael
- had
- disappeared,
- and
- Richard
- demands
- that
- Sandeen
- discover
- what
- happened
- to
- his
- brother
- or
- face
- the
- prospect
- of
- having
- his
- past
- exposed—a
- situation
- that
- might
- have
- a
- fatal
- outcome
- for
- both
- Sandeen
- and
- Amanda.Reluctantly,
- Sandeen
- sets
- out
- to
- find
- the
- missing
- brother,
- and
- in
- the
- process,
- turns
- up
- a
- raft
- of
- very
- nasty
- secrets
- shared
- by
- some
- of
- the
- solid
- citizens
- of
- a
- little
- University
- town
- in
- the
- middle
- of
- the
- Blue
- Ridge
- Mountains.
- Spurred
- on
- by
- demands
- that
- are
- impossible
- to
- ignore,
- Sandeen
- begins
- to
- unravel
- the
- mystery
- of
- Michael's
- disappearance,
- and
- in
- the
- process,
- almost
- becomes
- one
- who
- has
- disappeared,
- himself.
- Hang
- on
- to
- your
- hat
- as
- Sandeen
- and
- Amanda
- Carter
- race
- toward
- a
- fiery
- finish
- in
- this
- high-octane thriller.