This stand-alone short story is part of the series "The Beginning of Civilization: Short Stories" available through and other digital book resellers. These short stories are adjunct stories to the six-novel saga "The Beginning of Civilization: Mythologies Told True" available in book form. The novels and short stories imagine mankind’s protohistory as inspired by the mythologies of Greece, Egypt, Canaan, Sumeria, and Phoenicia.
"Pumi in Sumeria: Sulpae and Ninmah" tells of later years in Pumi’s life not detailed in the protohistoric novel "Tallstone and the City: A New Heaven and Earth." It imagines origination stories for Sumerian primal goddess, Ninmah, and her consort, Sulpae, plus the many “demons” that occupy “the land between the rivers.” An origination story for Lilith, who was Biblical Adam’s wife in many mythologies and traditions, is introduced.
In "Pumi in Sumeria: Sulpae and Ninmah," Ninmah finds her true nature with which Sulpae must come to terms. The narrative explores an adult theme.
Also, Pumi meets Lilith, who is destined to become a force to deal with. If he can.