The Monad Manifesto: Merging Science and Spirituality
Dennis William Hauck
- As
- scientists
- probe
- deeper
- into
- the
- nature
- of
- reality,
- they
- are
- discovering
- that
- consciousness
- is
- at
- the
- root
- of
- everything.
- What
- we
- believed
- were
- the
- laws
- of
- physics
- and
- matter
- are
- really
- the
- archetypal
- laws
- of
- mind,
- and
- the
- condensation
- of
- consciousness
- that
- created
- our
- universe
- originated
- from
- a
- dimensionless
- point
- in
- the
- void
- known
- in
- physics
- as
- the
- “Singularity”
- and
- in
- mathematics
- and
- philosophy
- as
- the
- “Monad.”In
- philosophy,
- the
- Monad
- is
- the
- is
- the
- indivisible
- source
- that
- created
- our
- reality.
- In
- mathematics,
- it
- is
- the
- origin
- of
- all
- numbers
- and
- geometry
- that
- describe
- Nature.
- In
- science,
- the
- Monad
- is
- the
- Big
- Bang
- explosion
- of
- consciousness,
- which
- physicist
- Erwin
- Schrödinger
- described
- as
- “a
- singularity
- phasing
- within
- all
- beings.”In
- ancient
- Egypt,
- the
- idea
- of
- the
- monadic
- “Aten”
- inspired
- the
- first
- monotheistic
- religion,
- and
- the
- concept
- of
- the
- Monad
- was
- a
- key
- principle
- in
- the
- development
- of
- Hinduism,
- Taoism,
- and
- Buddhism.
- In
- Gnosticism,
- the
- Monad
- is
- the
- One
- God
- at
- the
- root
- of
- the
- pleroma,
- the
- infinite
- fount
- of
- matter
- and
- energy
- in
- the
- universe.
- Renaissance
- scientists
- like
- Giordano
- Bruno,
- Gottlieb
- Leibnitz,
- and
- John
- Dee
- touted
- the
- Monad
- as
- the
- key
- to
- understanding
- the
- whole
- of
- Nature.
- And
- the
- concept
- of
- a
- monadic
- universe
- in
- which
- one’s
- soul
- can
- rise
- to
- unite
- with
- the
- universal
- Soul,
- inspired
- scores
- of
- philosophers,
- theologians,
- writers,
- and
- artists
- of
- the
- Age
- of
- Enlightenment
- in
- the
- 17th
- and
- 18th
- centuries.
- By
- the
- late
- 20th
- century,
- an
- interdisciplinary
- science
- of
- Consciousness
- Studies
- emerged
- dedicated
- to
- solving
- the
- puzzle
- of
- consciousness
- and
- understanding
- the
- mysterious
- monadic
- origin
- of
- the
- universe.
- Most
- of
- the
- pieces
- to
- that
- puzzle
- are
- already
- in
- place,
- and
- we
- are
- just
- beginning
- to
- glimpse
- the
- overall
- picture.
- It’s
- not
- like
- anything
- we
- ever expected.