Biblical Rebuttal

Sola Scriptura Series

Reeks: Sola Scriptura Series


Biblical Rebuttal is based on the principle of Sola scriptura, a Latin term meaning "by Scripture alone,".

This principle asserts that the Bible is the sole infallible source of authority for Christian faith and practice.

This book is a collection, and compilation of multiple replies and rebuttals given to different Christian and Messianic believers.

The entire content for this book, has been curated from real human written communications via email between multiple Pastors, Preachers and Missionaries.

The reader can peer into real religious thoughts and minds of believers and what makes them accept some belief not based on the Bible as truth and fact.

Biblical Rebuttal tries, through its selection of replies, provides scriptural answers to spiritual questions on the Bible.

In this process, the book undergoes a critical but constructive examination and analysis of Christians teachings, faith and beliefs.

It encourages investigation and questioning age-old belief systems and provides Sola Scriptura (Only Scriptural) solutions solely & only from the Bible.

Biblical replies & rebuttals only & solely on the Bible.

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