In the context of this short story, NIL is an acronym for "Not Interested in Living". This story is about Nilofer.
Life is truly not like a straight line, except on an ECG monitor screen. This love story, is set on a running Mumbai to Goa train. Destination: Unknown.
Just like a train is meant to run on straight tracks, it is bound to come across some hair pin bends and curves too. Similarly, the main character in this short story is unaware of awaits that person on the next station of life.
Life moves at the speed of a nano second. Train moves much faster than life. As the saying goes, in an airplane accident; you are nowhere. But in a train accident, you are somewhere.
Accidents tend to happen in life and with trains too. This short story is a collision of sorts of life and a train. The moral or outcome of this story is that good can come out of a bad incident and life can change even after a train accident.