On Kiyron, the perpetual confrontations between the destructive manipulations of Ligil-Yabesj and the transformational will of Koazjuur'Iy rise and fall as they weave across the outer shell of Malkiyron, finally breeching the inner sanctum of Dooskiyron.
Interlacing the chaos, threads of awakening may yet make a difference, if only the many disparate groups and individuals spanning the divides of time can recognise a deeper truth so heavily shrouded by the veils of their perception.
Born to be the Kajin Rabiel, and destined to become the conduit for Koazjuur'Iy, Iyrës is the first to perceive what lies beyond those veils. He has much to do with very little time, and waking his entire world from its collective slumber will require more than a simple nudge. Even with the help of Yasj and others, transforming present events alone won't be enough. It's a good thing time isn't as linear as most people think.
Guiding the prophetic skills of a Ristiekaan Ninuuk called Lieoptay-Noot five millennia in the past will influence more than anyone but Iyrës can imagine. So too will steering the destiny of Bisel and Padran as they fight for their own survival during the unfolding destruction of the War of Deceptions. And finally Thesik Zlaifë, thrust into action in the twilight of her life, finds the future fate of all Kiyron depends on her, her knowledge of Lieoptay-Noot, and following Iyrës' whispered echoes of encouragement from a time long before she was born.