One Slim Chance
Lords of Luck, #1
Reeks: Lords of Luck
Derrykk Alistarr
- Caitlin
- Vandersson
- has
- a
- problem,
- and
- there's
- only
- one
- person
- that
- can
- help...the
- man
- called
- Chance.This
- doesn't
- stop
- her
- from
- being
- kidnapped
- right
- under
- his
- nose,
- less
- than
- fifteen
- minutes
- after
- he
- meets
- her.Now,
- Chance
- feels
- honor-bound
- to
- gather
- his
- friends
- (well,
- 'friend'...Chance
- isn't
- known
- for
- being
- social)
- and
- storm
- the
- most
- impregnable
- corporate
- fortress
- in
- New
- Orleans,
- with
- only
- his
- immortal
- best
- friend,
- a
- hot-shot
- hacker
- and
- his
- own
- powers
- over
- the
- force
- known
- as
- "luck"
- to
- help
- him.It
- may
- not
- be enough.
pro-mbooks3 : libris