- The
- SecretChad
- Grayson
- was
- back
- in
- town.
- And
- his
- brooding,
- unexplained
- presence
- was
- disrupting
- the
- troubled
- peace
- Clarice
- Somerset
- had
- made
- with
- their
- disquieting
- past.
- Two
- years
- ago,
- the
- single
- mother
- thought
- her
- love
- had
- tamed
- Chad's
- wanderlust.
- She'd
- expected
- his
- granite
- strength
- to
- help
- shoulder
- the
- the
- cares
- of
- parenthood.
- But
- under
- the
- cover
- of
- night
- he'd
- roared
- off
- on
- his
- Harley
- leaving
- her
- behind.What
- dark
- secret
- had
- driven
- Chad
- away?
- What
- mysterious
- purpose
- had
- brought
- him
- back?
- If
- not
- her
- heart,
- what
- did
- he
- want
- from
- Clarice?
- And
- what
- under
- heaven
- was
- he hiding?
pro-mbooks3 : libris