All's Fair in Love and Road Rallies


Lily and Nina, tired of the never-ending winter, enter and win spots in their employer's 50th anniversary road rally which will take place in the spring. The girls are not only excited about missing ten days of work to drive together in the Belle's Auto Parts' rally, but they are determined to finish in first place.

When Team Lily and Nina are introduced at the rally meet and greet to Team Webster and Nick, their competition, the girls are even more determined to beat the guys' team, especially since Webster is arrogant and condescending. The girls know that speed isn't what will win the rally, since it's a strategy game, and they carefully develop a plan to beat all the other teams.

Minutes before the rally is to begin there is a change in teams. Lily is paired with Webster, and Nina with Nick. Lily and Nina are outraged at the switch and Webster knows he has unwisely burned a bridge that he will not be able to repair. Only Nick is happy with the change and the more time he spends with Nina, the happier he becomes.

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