Pinky and the golden pen Chinese editie

Reeks: Pinkeltje


This is the Chinese edition of the famous Dutch gnome Pinky. Pinky, a little man not bigger than your pinky, is recognizable by his white beard and his blue pointed cap. He lives in Silvertowervillage with his wife Pinkylotje. When Pinky visits the king, he finds out that Dick Laan, his creator, will have his birthday soon. Pinky has a fantastic idea! The goldsmith Als het mannetje bij de koning op bezoek is, hoort hij dat Dick Laan algauw jarig is. Pinkeltje krijgt een fantastisch idee! The goldsmiths can make a golden pen for Dick Laan and Pinky will deliver the gift himself. He flies to Holland with the rocket of Proffesor Pinkyprof. When the rocket has to make a crash landing, he falls in a ditch. Greenpaw, the frog, helps Pinky escape, but then the rocket, and the beautiful golden pen, sinks to the bottom of the diitch. Will Pinky succeed after all to get the pen to Dick Laan? Read for yourself!

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