Europe and Capitalism
Regaining the Future
Diego Fusaro
- The
- current
- European
- Union
- is
- too
- often
- presented
- as
- the
- Europe
- of
- peoples
- and
- freedom.This
- essay
- overturns
- this
- common
- way
- of
- understanding
- our
- political
- reality.
- In
- fact,
- upon
- closer
- and
- unbiased
- analysis,
- Europe
- appears
- to
- be
- the
- result
- of
- a
- “passive
- revolution”
- (Gramsci)
- through
- which
- the
- dominant
- class,
- after
- 1989,
- has
- managed
- to
- stabilise
- capitalist
- relations
- of
- power.
- This
- happened
- at
- the
- expense
- of
- the
- force
- which
- had
- partly
- resisted
- it:
- the
- sovereign
- nation
- state,
- which
- gave
- primacy
- to
- the
- political
- over
- the
- economic
- and
- guaranteed
- social
- rights.
- Marking
- the
- absolute
- triumph
- ofcapitalism,
- the
- creation
- of
- the
- European
- Union
- has
- managed
- to
- deprive
- politics
- of
- any
- hegemony:
- it
- has
- paved
- the
- way
- to
- the
- unstoppable
- cycle
- of
- privatisations
- and
- cuts
- to
- public
- spending,
- to
- the
- enforced
- precarisation
- of
- work
- and
- to
- the
- ever
- sharper
- reduction
- of
- social
- rights,
- imposing
- economic
- violence
- to
- the
- detriment
- of
- the
- subaltern
- and
- the
- economically
- weakest
- peoples.For
- this
- reason,
- the
- only
- way
- to
- open
- up
- the
- future
- once
- again,
- to
- defend
- peoples
- and
- labour,
- and
- to
- carry
- on
- that
- struggle
- once
- fought
- by
- Marx
- and
- Gramsci,
- is
- a
- radical
- critique
- of
- the
- euro
- and
- contemporary finance.
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