Flight Attendants want Love: Flying High with Jessica
Dirk Caldwell Romantic Erotic Novels, #8
Reeks: Dirk Caldwell Romantic Erotic Novels
Dirk Caldwell
- Dirk's
- stories
- are
- told
- from
- a
- man's
- perspective
- and
- point
- of
- view.
- Both
- men
- and
- women
- will
- enjoy
- this
- book,
- as
- the
- author
- always
- weaves
- a
- romantic
- story
- into
- the
- steamy
- descriptions.
- I'm
- sure
- you
- will
- enjoy
- this
- book
- with
- plentiful
- details
- about
- airline
- crew
- romances.Airline
- pilot
- Dirk
- meets
- flight
- attendant
- Jessica,
- and
- their
- initial
- sexy
- encounter
- grows
- into
- a
- relationship
- that
- spans
- decades,
- through
- good
- times
- and
- bad.
- The
- author
- incorporates
- exquisite
- details,
- bringing
- the
- reader
- into
- the
- bedroom
- with
- the
- couple
- to
- feel
- the
- heat.
- Fly
- along
- with
- Dirk
- and
- Jessica
- as
- they
- travel
- the
- world
- of sensuality.