After the world has gone to shit is it any use dreaming of better times? The host believes so. Emotional, eventful, quietly thoughtful and sometimes comical, this unusual apocalyptic drama takes the reader to a place where there is a very real struggle. Not against zombies, A.I. or aliens but against dictatorship, corrupt governments and murderers. While the host rebels against the Higher Ones the one thing that spurs her on is the reward it is said she will recieve, should she help bring them down, it is the realisation of a utopian land. Her entire story is one of many written into The Book of Us. Others will travel through desolate lands, nuclear fallout and chemical sprays. Some will go hungry, battle for their lives and loose their minds and all their stories will make up a library of understanding which, she hopes, will bring everyone together. Whether they are young or old there will be a place for them, if they can reach her. However, in every story of hope there is always a darkness and in this one it is the tattooed man, whose story is told through the eyes of others. Of course one has to wonder, after an encounter with him, who will still be alive to tell their version of it.