Your Dollar is in my pocket


The direction «Art of managing living» is author's one in the modern literature in the beginning of the XXI century. This is not an ordinary consecutive statement of problem issue which has been taken thesis, concisely, and vested in a genre of the art narration. Philosophical impregnations within the context, give the chance to create simultaneously a simple and accessible practical material on qualitative change of your own life and studying your inner self from the point of behavioral tendencies which influence, according to Dmitry Holler not only enriches the inner world of an individual, allowing anybody to become the owner of his own destiny, controlling personal time and space, but also reveals hidden manpower of his intellect. Life from the position of a reality of particular certain acts, which is so know to you by its ups-and-downs instead of especially positive thinking representing illusive and deceptive surreality, sometimes so similar to a dream or obsession.

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