The Temple of Yellow Skulls
A Dungeons & Dragons Novel
Don Bassingthwaite
- Following
- close
- on
- the
- heels
- of
- The
- Mark
- of
- Nerath,
- Don
- Bassingthwaite
- picks
- up
- the
- action
- and
- takes
- the
- characters
- into
- the
- eye
- of
- a
- new
- kind
- of
- Dungeons
- &
- Dragons®
- adventure...Imprisoned
- in
- the
- void
- of
- a
- ruined
- universe
- by
- vengeful
- gods,
- Tharizdun—the
- Chained
- God,
- the
- Elder
- Elemental
- Eye—shares
- his
- exile
- with
- the
- Progenitor,
- a
- pool
- of
- liquid
- crystal
- that
- is
- all
- that
- remains
- of
- the
- Abyss
- that
- destroyed
- his
- universe.Enter
- our
- heroes
- Albanon,
- Shara
- and
- Uldane—all
- three
- adventurers
- readers
- will
- know
- from
- The
- Mark
- of
- Nerath.
- They
- thought
- their
- quests
- were
- over
- and
- done
- with,
- but
- danger
- still
- burns
- like
- the
- embers
- of
- a
- smoldering
- fire
- in
- the
- tall
- grass.
- The
- Progenitor
- was
- locked
- safely
- away,
- guarded
- by
- Albanon’s
- dead
- master,
- but
- early
- on
- our
- heroes
- realize
- it
- was
- stolen
- and
- released
- in
- the
- presence
- of
- the
- green
- dragon
- Vestapalk
- as
- he
- fell
- at
- Shara’s
- sword.
- alerted
- to
- the
- danger
- of
- the
- liquid
- crystal
- by
- a
- mysterious
- cleric
- who
- claims
- allegiance
- to
- an
- order
- that
- has
- protected
- the
- substance
- for
- time
- immemorial,
- they
- must
- go
- in
- search
- of
- the
- dragon’s
- body,
- to
- ensure
- his
- demise
- has
- not
- been
- exaggerated.
- What
- they
- discover
- has
- consequences
- that
- could
- change
- the
- world...From
- the
- Paperback edition.