What to take--and what not to take--when you're expecting or nursing
Is it safe to take aspirin during pregnancy? What about cold medicine? If you're expecting, at some point during pregnancy, these questions may come up.
Common cold medications and drugs can have harmful effects on a developing baby. Likewise, natural and herbal treatments can adversely affect a nursing baby. The Expectant Mother's Guide offers moms-to-be a comprehensive resource to clear up confusion regarding prescription and over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, supplements, and home remedies. Keep this guide close at hand for important information, including:
An A-to-Z listing of prescription and nonprescription drugs and their FDA safety class ratings for pregnant women
Specific drug dosages and precautions for the first, second, and third trimesters
Which drugs and supplements may be safe or unsafe for use while breast-feeding
Guidance on the use of vitamins and herbal supplements during pregnancy
Which common household products, such as paint and hair dyes, may be dangerous to your fetus or newborn