Make It Nice
Reeks: Must-Read Celebrity Memoir
Dorinda Medley
- The
- Real
- Housewives
- of
- New
- York
- City
- fan
- favorite
- Dorinda
- Medley
- takes
- us
- inside
- her
- roller-coaster
- life
- and
- iconic
- Blue
- Stone
- Manor
- to
- share
- how
- we,
- too,
- can
- Make
- It
- Nice.Throughout
- her
- life,
- Dorinda
- Medley
- has
- always
- strived
- to
- “make
- it
- nice”
- regardless
- of
- the
- circumstances.
- In
- her
- incredibly
- candid
- memoir,
- the
- real
- housewife
- of
- New
- York
- City
- opens
- the
- doors
- of
- Blue
- Stone
- Manor,
- her
- Berkshires
- sanctuary,
- welcoming
- fans
- into
- her
- beloved
- home.
- In
- her
- first-ever
- written
- life
- story,
- Dorinda
- clips
- away
- all
- pretense
- and
- noise
- to
- unveil
- the
- not-so-glamorous
- bumps
- in
- the
- road
- that
- have
- marked
- her
- colorful
- journey
- toward
- becoming
- the
- person
- fans,
- colleagues,
- and
- friends
- know
- and
- love
- today.
- This
- is
- a
- vulnerable
- and
- emotional
- account
- of
- love,
- motherhood,
- loss,
- and
- the
- not-entirely-planned
- adventure
- from
- her
- modest
- beginnings
- in
- the
- Berkshires
- to
- her
- personal,
- social,
- and
- professional
- ascent—told
- in
- her
- trademark
- manner.Chronicling
- the
- life
- of
- the
- reality
- television
- star,
- Make
- It
- Nice
- also
- features
- life
- lessons
- for
- those
- who
- may
- experience
- similar
- challenges,
- as
- well
- as
- the
- celebrated
- hostess’s
- invaluable
- entertaining
- tips,
- all
- presented
- with
- the
- humor
- and
- wit
- that
- have
- “oh-so-well
- made”
- Dorinda
- Medley
- a
- most
- compelling compilation.
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