“Spreading the Honey” is a collection of autobiographical short stories and anecdotes that offer a humorous view on life and humanity, through the eyes of a man who’s seen it all.
Here, Doug David shares his journey through life, from small boy to middle-aged man, in whimsical tales of matters from schooling and selling to sailing and signet rings. His stories range in tone between good humour and opinionated musings, and will resonate with everybody who’s been in trouble as a child (haven’t we all?), travelled the globe, raised a family, or tried to get ahead in business.
Whatever the subject, Doug tells it like it is, unashamedly sharing his views on thrifty people (a.k.a. tight-arses), his vasectomy, kissing men at a Swiss wedding, and more. Let there be no confusion—these are straight-talking stories of a life well lived.