Travel through Fearless Puppy on American Road with our 15 year old hitchhiking runaway as he escapes a life of drug dealing in Brooklyn. This trip offers solid clues about how to leave excess fears in the dust. Follow the author's outrageous voyage through every stupid mistake (and most of the saving grace) that humanity has to offer. Laugh at our intrepid lunatic's ability to land on his feet in spite of himself.
You will meet: a man who is his own uncle; specialists in smoke, mirrors, and invisibility; Buddhist wisdom, Christian ethics, Jewish ritual; lurid sex, family values, oxygen orgasms; heavenly Hell's Angels, phony preachers, domestic violence, domestic solutions, racist killers in America, Canadian race wars; native American wise men, angelic witches, benevolent heroin addicts, magical birds, lesbian musicians playing a rock concert for the deaf, the musician raised by a multi-ethnic group of prostitutes, martial artists battling neo-Nazis, and the modern day Robin Hood. All manner of sinners and saints travel through this amazing true story that reads like a fantasy.
Why would a 15 year old boy with a New York City native’s knowledge of transportation systems shun both public and private transport and opt to spsend the next 35 years hitchhiking throughout North America? Why would anyone bypass the relative ease and safety of bus, train, or a car of his own and open himself to all manner of possible disaster by braving the whims of fate and the moods of passersby? In his words: “I’ll tell you why. I have attended 8 different colleges and universities. I’ve learned more in other people’s cars.”
Check your mind carefully and prepare to lose some baggage! There’s a hell of a ride waiting for you without the pages of Fearless Puppy on American Road.