Grappling with Evil: Conquering Fear and Anxiety


Modern thinking is attacked by elemental and demonic spirits who slow down their development (fall from heaven) to create resistance for humans to “push-up against.” Evil is there to provide the temptations and challenges that are needed to strengthen the muscles needed to climb the moral mountain to the summit. Thinking can rise-up and become higher thoughts, vibrations, and harmonics while also creating the future spiritual environment of the aspirant, building their ‘mansion’ in heaven. Thinking can also lower the human being’s vibration until it becomes food for the elemental beings and the laggard beings who remain behind for our benefit by becoming “evil.” Unfortunately, these evil beings desire to eat the soul and spirit of each human being. In our current age, these beings are evil and wish to lead thinking in the wrong direction and make earth-bound thinking the materialistic limit of human development, instead of a tool that can commune with spiritual beings through living thinking called Moral Imagination.

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