The Human Aura
A Study of Human Energy Fields
Dr. Douglas Baker graduated in medicine at Sheffield University in 1964 and has consistently brought to the attention of the public those aspects of Man's holistic nature which constitute the borderlands of scientific knowledge. He is a prolific author who lists scientific explanations as well as examples from ordinary life to bring home the truth of the most complex and abstract metaphysical teachings in the words of today.
In this authoritative study of human energy fields, Dr. Baker clearly defines the nature and Function of the human aura and how it can be used to enhance the quality of our lives, and of those around us. Combining his medically trained research with 45 years of metaphysical orientation, the author is able to dispel the existing confusion and gross misconception about the aura. The reader is introduced to new and exciting features of the human aura, and numerous examples - both historic and contemporary — of the vast range of its attributes are presented in away that is both fascinating and instructive.