Alec Kerley and the Roar of the Dinosaur
Alec Kerley and the Monster Hunters, #3
Reeks: Alec Kerley and the Monster Hunters
Douglas Tanner
- gritty
- drama,
- and
- real
- characters
- make
- this
- book
- hard
- to
- put
- down."
- -
- Once
- Upon
- A
- YA
- BookAdventure,
- mystery,
- and
- monsters
- converge
- in
- this
- fast-paced
- monster
- series
- perfect
- for
- fans
- of
- Stranger
- Things,
- Goosebumps,
- Cirque
- du
- Freak,
- the
- Cooper
- Kids,
- and
- the
- Hardy
- Boys.*
- Includes
- a
- from
- the
- short
- story,
- Alec
- Kerley
- and
- the
- Haunted
- Christmas!
- *If
- you
- enjoyed
- Jurassic
- World
- and
- Journey
- to
- the
- Center
- of
- the
- Earth,
- you'll
- love
- Alec
- Kerley
- and
- the
- Roar
- of
- the
- Dinosaur!*
- with
- 11
- color
- and
- 8
- black
- and
- white
- illustrations.
- *They're
- alive!When
- the
- floor
- of
- a
- cave
- collapses,
- taking
- twelve-year-old
- Alec
- Kerley
- and
- his
- friends
- with
- it,
- the
- outside
- world
- thinks
- they
- are
- as
- good
- as
- dead.
- But
- what
- those
- on
- the
- surface
- don't
- know
- is
- that
- they
- are
- alive
- and
- exploring
- a
- fantastical
- underground
- world
- never
- before
- seen.Following
- a
- subterranean
- river
- through
- a
- series
- of
- caverns
- in
- their
- search
- for
- a
- way
- back
- home,
- Alec
- and
- his
- friends
- discover
- a
- gigantic
- cave
- filled
- with
- prehistoric
- life
- --
- dinosaurs!
- In
- their
- desperate
- struggle
- for
- survival,
- can
- they
- find
- their
- way
- out
- before
- becoming
- the
- meal
- for
- a
- Tyrannosaurus
- rex?
- And
- what
- other
- malevolence
- lurks
- deep
- underground,
- watching,
- waiting?Join
- Alec
- Kerley
- and
- the
- Monster
- Hunters
- as
- they
- enter
- a
- land
- filled
- with
- the
- Roar
- of
- the
- Dinosaur!****Alec
- Kerley
- and
- the
- Roar
- of
- the
- Dinosaur
- is
- an
- inspirational
- monster
- novel
- filled
- with
- adventure.
- It
- is
- a
- legitimately
- scary
- story,
- and
- a
- great
- read
- for
- all
- ages
- --
- middle
- graders,
- teens,
- and
- adults.
- Parental
- guidance
- is
- suggested.
- 27
- chapters,
- 60,000
- words.Alec
- Kerley
- and
- the
- Roar
- of
- the
- Dinosaur
- is
- the
- third
- book
- in
- a
- series.
- The
- other
- titles
- are
- Alec
- Kerley
- and
- the
- Terror
- of
- Bigfoot
- (Book
- One),
- Alec
- Kerley
- and
- the
- Wrath
- of
- the
- Vampire
- (Book
- Two),
- and
- Alec
- Kerley
- and
- the
- Haunted
- Christmas
- (a
- holiday
- short story).