Brad Sellers is a young man forced from a mind-controlling religious community into the search for a fabled land confused with the ancient, mythical kingdom of Camelot. Fleeing from raiders and struggling against the elements, he and his uncle’s family brave the perils of a two thousand mile exodus beyond the great western mountains. Along the way Brad finds love with a beautiful young woman. He faces adversities that test his rite of passage to manhood, forges friendships, and opens doors of understanding sealed and forbidden in his homeland. With understanding comes another search, one that asks questions about the past and gives teasing glimpses of the future. Who built the crumbling, once-mighty cities? Who were the ancient ones? What happened to their civilization? Why are there different stories? He believes Camelot holds the truth. His father told him: “find Camelot and you’ll find the answers to all the questions we can’t ask here.”
Fables draw Brad toward Camelot. Yet, before he reaches his goal, rust spots appear on the knight’s armor and cracks weaken the towers. Yes, people have heard of the wonderland—some have even visited it. They confirm the stories of electricity, automobiles, and skyscrapers, but they also speak of other things, troubling practices that one would never expect in a utopian paradise. In the end, Brad discovers that Camelot is not a fabled paradise but a place built from the ruins of another civilization, and that the mistakes of the past are destined to be repeated.