The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet
How to Beat Diabetes Fast (and Stay Off Medication)
Dr Dr Michael Mosley
- Discover
- the
- groundbreaking
- method
- to
- defeat
- diabetes
- without
- drugs
- using
- the
- step-by-step
- diet
- plans
- and
- recipes
- from
- #1
- New
- York
- Times
- bestselling
- author
- Dr.
- Michael
- Mosley.The
- 8-Week
- Blood
- Sugar
- Diet
- is
- a
- radical
- new
- approach
- to
- the
- biggest
- health
- epidemic
- threatening
- us
- today...Our
- modern
- diet,
- high
- in
- low-quality
- carbohydrates,
- is
- damaging
- our
- bodies—producing
- a
- constant
- overload
- of
- sugar
- in
- our
- bloodstream
- that
- clogs
- up
- our
- arteries
- and
- piles
- hidden
- fat
- into
- our
- internal
- organs.
- The
- result
- has
- been
- a
- doubling
- in
- the
- number
- of
- type
- 2
- diabetics,
- as
- well
- as
- a
- surge
- in
- those
- with
- a
- potentially
- hazardous
- condition—prediabetes.
- It
- is
- now
- known
- that
- even
- moderately
- elevated
- blood
- sugar
- levels
- can
- trigger
- heart
- disease,
- stroke,
- dementia,
- and
- cancer.But
- scientists
- have
- recently
- demonstrated
- that
- you
- can
- prevent
- and
- even
- reverse
- type
- 2
- diabetes
- with
- a
- simple
- change
- in
- diet
- and
- lifestyle.
- Drawing
- on
- the
- work
- of
- Dr.
- Roy
- Taylor—one
- of
- the
- UK’s
- foremost
- diabetes
- experts—and
- his
- own
- experience
- as
- a
- one-time
- diabetic,
- Dr.
- Michael
- Mosley
- presents
- a
- groundbreaking,
- science-based,
- 8-week
- plan
- for
- diabetics
- who
- want
- to
- reverse
- their
- condition
- (and
- then
- stay
- off
- medication).
- He
- also
- offers
- a
- more
- flexible
- regime
- for
- people
- interested
- in
- the
- extensive
- health
- benefits
- to
- be
- gained
- from
- lowering
- their
- blood
- sugar
- levels
- and
- shedding
- dangerous
- fat.As
- Dr.
- Mosley
- says,
- it
- is
- never
- too
- late
- to act.