Growing Feelings
A Kids' Guide to Dealing with Emotions about Friends and Other Kids
Dr. Eileen Kennedy-Moore ; Christine McLaughlin
- Children’s
- biggest
- emotions
- often
- come
- up
- about
- friends
- and
- other
- kids.
- In
- this
- funny
- and
- useful
- book,
- authors
- Eileen
- Kennedy-Moore
- and
- Christine
- McLaughlin
- help
- kids
- understand
- and
- cope
- with
- feelings
- in
- ways
- that
- build
- strong
- friendships.2023
- WINNEREveryone
- likes
- the
- idea
- of
- “best
- friends
- forever,”
- but
- friendships
- can
- be
- complicated,
- and
- they
- often
- involve
- dealing
- with
- difficult
- feelings.
- Almost
- all
- children
- have
- experienced
- feeling
- shy
- at
- a
- party
- where
- they
- don’t
- know
- anyone,
- furious
- during
- an
- argument
- with
- a
- friend,
- or
- sad
- when
- a
- friend
- moves
- away.
- Because
- kids
- care
- a
- lot
- about
- friends,
- they
- often
- have
- big
- emotional
- responses
- about
- them.This
- entertaining
- and
- empowering
- book
- addresses
- a
- wide
- range
- of
- feelings
- children
- have
- about
- friends
- and
- other
- kids,
- including
- worry,
- guilt,
- jealousy,
- compassion,
- and
- gratitude.
- Through
- relatable
- cartoon
- stories,
- practical,
- research-based
- coping
- strategies,
- plus
- silly
- commentary
- from
- a
- cat
- and
- dog
- who
- have
- their
- own
- (questionable)
- ideas
- about
- what
- might
- help,
- kids
- get
- a
- hands-on
- approach
- that
- they
- can
- put
- into
- practice.Child
- psychologist
- Eileen
- Kennedy-Moore
- and
- parenting
- and
- health
- writer
- Christine
- McLaughlin
- show
- kids
- how
- to
- recognize
- the
- Feelings
- Story
- behind
- common
- friendship
- rough
- spots,
- demonstrating
- the
- links
- between
- events,
- thoughts,
- emotions,
- actions,
- and
- social
- reactions
- through
- the
- situational
- cartoons,
- so
- children
- can
- clearly
- see
- how
- their
- reactions
- fuel
- or
- resolve
- relationship
- problems.
- And
- going
- far
- beyond
- a
- simplistic
- and
- unrealistic
- “don’t
- worry,
- be
- happy,
- think
- positive
- only”
- approach,
- Growing
- Feelings
- offers
- a
- nuanced
- perspective
- on
- feelings
- about
- friends.
- It
- emphasizes
- that
- all
- emotions
- are
- useful
- and
- guides
- children
- in
- how
- to
- empathize
- with
- others’
- reactions,
- as
- well
- as
- how
- to
- understand,
- manage,
- and
- communicate
- in
- healthy
- ways
- about
- their
- own
- feelings.Caring
- friendships
- are
- a
- protective
- factor
- for
- children’s
- mental
- health.
- Giving
- kids
- the
- tools
- they
- need
- to
- deal
- with
- the
- feelings
- about
- friends
- is
- a
- powerful
- step
- toward
- protecting
- and
- improving
- their well-being.
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