Ordinary People: Ordinary Yet Extraordinary Sex


Hollywood and the media would have us believe that extraordinary sex is only possible among youthful, attractive men and women and celebrities who possess charisma, money, talent and fame. But sexual expression is a natural life function and extraordinary pleasure is possible for anyone and everyone. In this book you will broaden your perspective on what is possible for you and for those you love.

Each of us is unique, with our own sexual response pattern. When we follow our individual passion and share our unique sexuality openly with a loving and accepting partner, life can truly become heaven on earth. However, If we are having sexual problems (sexual dysfunctions, sexual compulsions, infidelity, abuse, or dissatisfaction with who we are as a man or woman, we may believe there is something wrong with us.

Another, more positive and hopeful approach, is to view our sexual issues and concerns as messages about our lives. Sometimes our body does not respond the way we want but it may reveal to us something we feel that our mind may refuse to acknowledge. Our body reminds us to pay attention to our self, to listen to our own internal responses, and to stop expecting the other person to make us feel okay.

Masters and Johnson, the original sex researchers, have claimed that our sexual organs are designed to function naturally, unless interfered with in some way. During normal sleep, healthy males have an erection every 80-90 minutes and healthy females lubricate vaginally every 80-90 minutes. Medication, illness, injuries, surgeries, stress, relationship problems and other emotional upsets can and often do interfere with our normal sexual functioning, even during sleep.

Recent brain research is now showing that the images stored in our brain can trigger sexual desire to people and situations that do not fit our conscious desires and choices. And memories of loving or abusive touch and prior sexual encounters can flood our system when we connect with someone in a sensual or sexual way. Positive earlier experiences help us to be more open and receptive with a new partner. But negative and painful memories can intrude and prevent us from enjoying a new partner in the moment.

For many men and women it is has become easy to avoid facing our own feelings by engaging in non-intimate and fantasy sexuality at Exotic Dance Clubs, online sex sites, sexually oriented chat rooms, 900 numbers and the use of escort services. There appears to be very little support, in the media or even among our closest friends and family, for sharing sexual pleasure with our real-life partners. We need to learn how to develop intimacy and love with a real person, not in spite of their availability and ordinariness, but because of their availability and ordinariness! With a real, live partner who cares about us, we can explore sensual experiences together and overcome some of our biggest fears and deepest emotional wounds.

Let this book help you to reconnect to your own passionate desires. Explore the many different factors that have affected, enhanced or interfered with your own enjoyment of intimate relationships. Find out what is blocking or stopping you and discover new ways to open up to love. Check out the sequel to this book, Sexual Reawakening: 10 Simple Steps, to review your experiences and renew your capacity for full expression of your unique sexuality. And if you want to go beyond the ordinary, read Sexual and Spiritual Reawakening - At Last!

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