Duncan and Maria are a couple sandwiched in the middle of three generations, with three children and aging parents. This conventional family is forced to deal with a variety of health issues. Day-to-day living, backyard barbecues, and romantic weekend getaways, all happen during their journeys back into good health. Issues including diabetes, dementia, depression, arthritis, adrenal fatigue, allergies, addiction, excess weight, and many more common issues are addressed as people choose to eliminate the disorder rather than manage the symptoms. As the extended family moves through their lives, they model fun and humorous ways to support one another through their emotional challenges and relationships. Duncan and Maria share their journeys back into health that also involves the intimate, sexual, and sensual revitalizing of their marriage. Entwined, A Romantic Journey Back to Health explores sexual intimacy and passion, family dynamics, and both conventional and alternative methods to manage and even resolve physical and mental health.